The project Cave ice microbiom: metabolic diversity and activity in response to climate dynamics and anthropogenic pollution (CAVICE) was an ERANET project, part of the 3.2 - Horizon 2020 subprogram of the European and International Cooperation program in the frame of the National Program for Research, Development and Innovation 2015 - 2020 (PN III).
CAVICE code: ELAC2014/DCC-0178
The project was financed through the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) and was the object of the contract no. 25/2016.
The study lasted three years, 2016 - 2018, bringing together teams from several different countries in an effort to determine how anthropogenic activities and climatic changes impact the biodiversity of the microbial communities entrapped in the ice of underground glaciers and if there are any strains that can be identified as biomarkers for pollution and/or specific climatic patterns.